
We are the exclusive representative, distributor, and partner of several global companies such as: KLAFS, Chinesport, TheraBand…

Saznajte Više


We strive to strengthen our position and role, both in the market and in the eyes of our customers in the field of servicing medical equipment, following and applying the most modern technologies

Saznajte Više 


Nedax d.o.o. Sarajevo exists to ensure the quality of products and services in the market it operates in, providing quality, fast, and highly professional services…

Saznajte Više

Our Partners Trust Us!

Nedax d.o.o., as a partner company formed back in 1996, has recorded only successes in its business operations to this day. We are the general representatives, distributors, and partners of several global companies such as KLAFS, Chinesport, Gima, Nihon Kohden, and many others. We are proud to have been the first company to realize a World Bank project (37 CBR centers) after the war, as well as RRC Fojnica in the same year. Subsequently, we successfully implemented 3 Grants from the Japanese government, with our long-standing service experience being an important factor. Thirty years ago, in 1982, the company 'Elektronik' was founded in Sarajevo, which installed, educated, and serviced medical equipment from Ljubljana to Skopje.


Meet our partners

Mission, Quality Policy, and Vision

Our operations comply with the regulations of the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of BIH, laws, and the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008. The medical devices we import and distribute are registered with the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. Our employees regularly attend congresses, sales, and service trainings, as evidenced by numerous certificates.

With twenty years of presence in the market and quality of service, we have positioned ourselves as a leader in equipping hospitals, health centers, and specialized polyclinics.